Saturday, November 20, 2010

I've signed on with Wildtree. Mmm.

I did something crazy. And, I could use your help. If you like to eat and party, helping me will be easy and fun!

So, what did I do?
I signed up as a consultant for a newer home party company, Wildtree. Since you are on this website, you already knew that I suppose! In October 2010, I attended a party with a new coworker of mine. Something just clicked during the show. I am socialable. I can always use extra bucks. WildTree is different than some other food-based home party companies in that it’s all natural food. I loved the company’s history and mission. And, I love the food. At my first party, I fell in love with the meatballs, the dipping oils and several kinds of dip.  

Why on Earth did I do this?
A few reasons. I recently located to a new area. Doing home parties is a great way to get out and meet new people. I love meeting new people! Reason #2 is related to the first reason. Since I moved to a new area, I also need an excuse to get back to Northeast PA to see those I dearly miss. Hosting parties for people I know in other areas will keep me in touch, as well as allow me to meet even more new people.

The third reason is simple: to earn some extra cash. Those who know me, know I freelance write. But, since I am in the office all day, sometimes writing all night takes a toll on my eyes and brain—plus, it can get lonely. Selling WildTree will allow me to supplement my income in a more social, active way. 

How can I get a taste of this new food?
Easy! Invite me into your home or location for a “tasting party.” I’ll send you some food samples in advance so you can make some goodies: dips, spreads, soups, seasonings for entrees to name a few. Gather some friends, relatives and coworkers for a few hours. I’ll tell you about WildTree, you and your guests will get to sample the food and then purchase items that tantalize your taste buds. As a party host, you’ll earn some free products!
I want to make my parties fun and interactive! There are three ways to get a taste:

  • Book a tasting party -- Just call me or drop me an email or Facebook message and we can go from there.
  • Book a catalog party -- if you prefer not to have a party in your home and would rather pass some books around the office, I can work with you!
  • Purchase online -- if you know what you want and don't want to fuss with a party, you can order right online from my Wildtree website.
Ugh. Home parties. Are you going to wrangle me in, too?
I know, I know. I sold Tupperware in the past. I’ve been to and hosted many home parties – Pampered Chef, Home Interiors, Adam and Eve, Princess House, Party Lite … and more. I understand that in many cases there is pressure to get people to book parties and sometimes pressure to sell. I promise not to be a pest. I value friendships and relationships and know not to cross that line! I’ll only ask you once, and if you aren’t interested, no hard feelings! I promise! Home parties are meant to be fun, not to be a hard sales pitch. I respect that. 

I look forward to helping you add some more flavor to your life!